Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oregonians are Desperate

You know who you are.
You get excited when it's 50 degrees outside for the first time.
You wear shorts and sandals with your puffy or fleece jacket.
You suddenly feel the need to go to REI and buy "summer stuff."

If you felt the previous statements were close to home, you are suffering from the Oregon Syndrome-- the need to cling to any hope of "nice" weather whenever it comes along.

After a long weekend of frisbee-playing, iced-coffee-drinking, beach-fort-making, tank-top-wearing, and sun-lounging, I realized that I am a desperate Oregonian. Suddenly everything I needed to get done was low priority, and all I cared about was tanning my ghostly-white thighs.

But, of course, reality hits in, and I realize that I still have a life that is not weather dependent.
Wedding plans.
Other peeps' wedding plans.

I can tell already that this term will be hard to get through. It's only week 4, and I already find myself feeling the "senioritis" that should have been cured last spring. Unfortunately, not all of us can be overachievers and "get 'er done" in four years. Sorry Mom and Dad.

Fortunately, I do have a lot to look forward to this term. I've been taking a crack at teaching one of the classes offered through the Adventure Leadership Institute this term-- Canoeing.
I won't bore you all with the details of this experience just yet, but a couple weeks ago, my boss told me about this little gem, and I thought I would share it all with you. It's no girl-and-kitten video, but it's pretty darn great.

Ladies and gents, I present to you Marc Ornstein.


1 comment:

  1. "Unfortunately, not all of us can be overachievers and "get 'er done" in four years. Sorry Mom and Dad."

    Nothing wrong with being a super-senior :)
