Monday, April 23, 2012

Some people.

I just want to say a couple things before we get started:
I am the expert of me. You are the expert of you.

Today, I met with my "mini advertising company" for my WR 414: Advertising and Public Relations class. We had to work together to come up with a mission statement for our group. I, of course, was having issues focusing. We thought it'd be a great idea to meet outside in the nice sunshine, rather than the stuffy classroom. But it just distracted me instead.

Anyway, we got talking about our lives, and I mentioned how I've been busy lately. Of course, I mentioned my wedding, because it's a fun topic for me to talk about. However, instead of the support I'm used to, it turned into a conversation about how the majority of the group was "not into relationships" and seemed to considered marriage as a barrier, not an opportunity.

I was speechless. I honestly didn't really know how to react. I just responded with "Well, I'm glad I'm engaged. I'm really excited." But, no response.

I think it's a culture thing. My friends "back home" are highly supportive of the Keith and Emily union to happen in August. However, I've noticed that people in classes and some people I interact with at work are "happy for us," but there's an undertone of "marriage? really?"

Has this happened to anyone else? I feel like people know my relationship and feel the need to tell me what they think I should or should not be doing. Come on, it's my life.

Come on.


  1. I get this same sort of response when people find our age find out that I am married. Honestly and truthfully, they just don't know what they are missing :)

  2. They are jealous that you have it together enough to have found a fantastic life-partner.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
